Central A.C. Explained with Words We All Understand
Have you ever stopped and pondered all the conveniences we utilize every day, seemingly with the touch of a button? You turn on the...
Spring storm season is upon us. Are you ready for a tornado?
Tornado season arrived right on cue this year. Sadly, the first deadly tornado of 2019 touched down on March 3rd in Alabama. History...
Is Your Programmable Programmed?
According to Energy Star, approximately 45% of a typical home’s energy consumption is relegated to heating and cooling - roughly $2,100...
Removing the Mystery: What Happens During Spring HVAC Maintenance.
Preventative maintenance prevents unpleasant surprises, especially when those “surprises” pertain to your HVAC system and could end up...
Rake Leaves, Check. Clean Gutters, Check. Central A.C. TLC, Check (or should be).
Now that Autumn is in full swing, and crisp, cooler temps are the norm it’s time to devote some TLC to your air conditioner. In less than...